Friday, December 30, 2016

"Darla" Commission

Darla, 16"x16", acrylic on canvas
The last dog painting commission of 2016! This is starting to become more of a regular thing, since I have some more commissions of dogs lined up. Honestly, working on these has been an interesting endeavor as it really makes me work to understand color, shape, and dimension a lot more. I'm looking forward to seeing where this takes me in 2017. 

Hopefully there will be more ink drawings as well. I took part in the Inktober exercise this year, where I did a new ink drawing every day in the month of October, and was really happy with how it helped improve my inking technique. I'll need to scan the drawings in and post them here sometime soon. 

In the meantime, feel free to scroll down to see the process gif for this painting. 

Thursday, December 1, 2016

"Bentley" Commission

Bentley, 16"x16", acrylic on canvas
After completing my last dog painting of Bruno, the owner of Bruno's brother Bentley commissioned a painting of him as well. You can see the different stages this painting went through in the gif below!